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Fig. 3 | Canine Genetics and Epidemiology

Fig. 3

From: Evaluation of whole-genome sequencing of four Chinese crested dogs for variant detection using the ion proton system

Fig. 3

Detected variant overlap with already known genetic variation in dogs for SNVs and INDELs. Comparison of two different variant calling tools (SAMtools and UnifiedGenotyper) showing overlap between detected (a) SNVs and (b) INDELs (yellow circle for SAMtools; blue circle for UnifiedGenotyper) with already known variants in dogs (green circle). The proportion of a particular overlap category is shown in percentage of the total unique SNV (4.83 million) or INDEL (6.10 million) number detected by both tools. Non-overlapping parts of both tools represent variants detected only with a particular tool

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